
Ranking Royal Rumbles: A Retrospective


Welcome everyone to almost January! As we recover from our Christmas hangovers and prepare for our New Year's Day/ Martin Luther King Day hangovers, I have prepared a 28 day extravaganza chronicling and power ranking the most fun yet probably most knee buckling event in sports entertainment, the Royal Rumble. Sorry for the long winded explanation coming up, but once this is explained, you can enjoy the variety of Rumbles coming up. My rankings are based on 5 categories receiving 1 to 5 stars, for a minimum of 5 stars and a maximum of 25 stars. The categories are:

1. Storytelling (1 to 5 stars)-How good was the Rumble at advancing stories through the match and to Wrestlemania?

2. Match Quality (1 to 5 stars)-How good was the in-ring portion of the match?

3. Finish (1 to 5 stars)-How good was the finish to each match?

4. Winner (1 to 5 stars)-Was the winner the best choice? Decent choice? So awful it set wrestling back a few years?

5. Extracurriculars (1 to 5 stars)-How were the other elements (surprise guests, announcers, atmosphere) throughout the match?

No match received a perfect score or an absolute bust, but some were close. Ties were arbitrarily separated by me based on a few additional factors to be explain later. As always, feel free to disagree with me but make sure you can back up what you disagree with. The Rumble is so varied and differential that there are guaranteed to be spots that people do not agree with, but under my system, I hope you are entertained by the process.

So tomorrow, let's start the countdown with the worst Royal Rumble ever, the one that, like the entire year, set the company back to a pretty pathetic standpoint. I look forward to the month long Rumble retrospective with you.

The FanPosts are solely the subjective opinions of Cageside Seats readers and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cageside Seats editors or staff.

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